WAR IN UKRAINE: March 25, 2022


  • Fed up with West’s diplomatic fence sitting, Ukraine President Zelensky goes on the offensive: in a late night summit address, he tells Europe leaders they acted too late to stop the Russian invasion. He singled out individual nations for being late or reluctant to take measures - Germany, Portugal & Ireland - then lambasts Hungary for its neutral stance.

  • Significantly upping its wishlist, Ukraine tells the US it needs 500 Javelins and 500 Stingers-per-day, in addition to jets and attack helicopters. CNN story here

  • Russia has reportedly “evacuated” 402,000 Ukrainians, incl over 84,000 children, from Ukraine, says Liudmyla Denisova, Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights. Even though Ukraine is unable to verify the numbers, she said some have been sent as far away as Omsk & Sakhalin Island.

  • Yesterday Russian soldiers reportedly began raiding elementary and middle school libraries in Kherson Oblast and pulling Ukrainian history books off the shelves. They are said to have paid particular attention to contemporary history books. Separately, they reportedly raided the Kherson apartment of Kateryna Handziuk, a prominent Ukrainian anti-corruption activist. She died a painful death after two months in hospital. She was hospitalized after attackers tied to the Oblast government poured her with sulphuricacid destroying 80 percent of her skin. The Russians’ explained their actions saying that Handziuk’s writings and the literature they are destroying does not conform with the Russia’s official opinion.

  • Oscars producers say Sunday’s show will 'respectfully acknowledge' the Ukraine war. Earlier this week The Academy poured cold water on one host’s proposal to have Ukraine President Zelensky, himself a former TV comedian, give a greeting.

All pictures today by AP Efrem Lukatsky